Clutter is the nemesis to organization.
Cluttered homes take unnecessary time and energy. So why do we grasp so frantically to stuff that weighs us down? Why do we keep clutter in our lives that, rather than energizing us, leaves us frazzled and drained?
Could it be that we are addicted to to our stuff? Could it be that we are addicted to clutter?
It's time to quit the clutter addiction!
Contrary to what the media tries to convince us of, more is not always better!
When we find our home bursting at the seams we need to take action. If we are to live sanely organized lives, we need to take charge of our stuff rather than allowing our stuff to take charge of us! If we are to break our addiction to clutter,we need to begin by de-cluttering our homes!
However, before we start the great de-cluttering of our homes and lives, I think there are two things we need to consider:
Do we have a handle on why we personally have all this clutter?
Do we have a plan on how we are going to maintain it on a daily basis?
Let's hear your thoughts! (I'll admit mine later!)
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